
 Handicrafts & Cottage Industries sector comprises of Handicraft, Coir, Salt and Khadi & Village Industries activities, which are mainly artisan based or known as house-hold industry.  During british Rule production activities of this sector had been shattered. Immediately after dependence the planners felt that revival and promotion of artisans’ sector would definitely alleviate the economic condition of artisans in a labour abundant & capital scarce country like ours. 

This sector has ample scope for employment generation with low capital investment , use simple technology and utilisation of local resources . Besides there is export potential of handicraft of Orissa which is least affected by WTO agreement.

There are around 3 lakh artisans in the state practising  different activities in this sector. Out of the above, around 1 lakh are Handicraft artisans , 1.80 lakh are engaged in Khadi & Village Industries , 10 thousand engaged in Coir Industries and 6 thousand in Salt Industries .\

The main objectives promoting Handicraft & Cottage Industries Sector are :-

       i)  Employment generation
       ii)  Empowerment of women & weaker sections of the society.
      iii)  To strengthen production base to add GDP.
      iv)  Foreign exchange earning by exports.
       v)  Preservation of cultural heritage.


Structure :        

                 Immediately after independence, at the  national level different Boards were formed to give adequate attention for promotion of traditional craft activities to strengthen the rural economy. State Govt. also initiated action in similar   direction.  

            The Organizational structure of Central Goverment and State Govt. to foster development of handicrafts and cottage industries in our state are as follows.



Support Service:

             The Government agencies are providing various support services for development of this sector in the following manner. 

            1.        Skill upgradation/development.     
            2.        Technology upgradation
            3.        Product diversification/development.
            4.        Development of Infrastructure.
            5.        Marketing.
            6.        Supply of raw materials.
            7.        Publicity.
            8.        Credit support from financial institution.
            9.        Mobilisation of artisans to form Self Help Groups/Co-operatives &    their capacity building.
            10.      Synergy among Development Patners           


        Handicrafts | Coir Industry | Salt industry | K & V Industry | General Information | Awards